
Do teams play at the same location or rotate locations each week?

Generally speaking, the location you register for is the location you will play at every game. The number of teams varies at each location from as few as 5 teams to 15 teams or more.

Multiple game times are listed on the registration page. What time do I play?

The times listed on our website are all of the possible times that your team might play. The actual time will vary from week to week. Some weeks your team will play one game, and other weeks your team may play two games (double header).

I'm not able to attend every game. Is that ok?

Of course! We're all adults and have jobs, families, and other obligations and priorities outside of this league. Because we know not everyone can attend every game, we require each team roster to have a minimum of 15 players even though generally only a minimum of 10 players are needed to play.

Are there practice times?

Our league does not offer any official practice times. Some teams practice, many don't. It's completely up to your team. Generally speaking, any grass field will do. Refer to our rules for official field dimensions.

The registration page lists one or more levels (A, B, and/or C) for each division. What does that mean?

In larger divisions, we separate teams by level of competition. Our most competitive teams play at the A level. Our least competitive teams play at the C level. Smaller divisions typically only have one level of play (B). The difference between the levels is the style of pitching allowed, which is explained in our rules.

How many players are on a team roster?

We have a 15 player minimum (4 female) and you have 10 players on the field at game. Everyone can be in the kicking line-up and you can rotate fielders. We will not put excess free agents on your roster unless you ask for them. We want you to get a lot of playing time.

What happens if my team is short on players for a game?

As stated in our rules, you can play with as few as eight players as long as at least two are female. If you know you won't have enough for a particular game, please contact the commissioner responsible for your division at least 24 hours in advance (or as soon as possible) so that we can notify the umpire and your opponent. We never want anyone to show up at the field and not have an opponent to play! With enough advance notice, we can attempt to reschedule the game so that you won't miss playing.

How many teams qualify for the playoffs?

All teams qualify for the playoffs. Note that in some of our larger divisions, the playoff date will be on a Saturday rather than a normal game day because we need more time, space, and daylight to logistically fit all of the games in. Playoff dates are noted in the registration details for each division.

What happens if there is inclement weather or soggy fields?

We always do our best to make the fields playable and play games as scheduled. In the event that we need to cancel any games, we will post information on our website and in the Facebook group for the affected division and will directly contact our team captains. Please pay particular attention to the location listed for any cancellations; sometimes one field is not playable but others are.

Can I bring my children to the field?

Of course! Bring the whole family! Some of our field locations even have playgrounds right next to the field. Please do keep watch over your children and ensure they are not interfering with the games or getting into other trouble.

Can I bring my dog to the field?

We love fur babies! However, dogs are not allowed at some field locations per city regulations and/or our rental agreements. Please check with your division commissioner for the official policy at any specific location. And remember, all dogs must be both friendly and leashed at all times.

Can I drink alcohol on the field?

With rare exceptions (which will be clearly noted), alcohol is prohibited at all of our field locations per city regulations and/or private rental agreements. Failure to abide by these rules could result in expulsion from the league and/or citation by law enforcement. Please do you part to ensure that the league's status is not jeopardized at any of our fields and remind your teammates, friends, and fans of these policies. Thank you!


I'm not sure yet if I want to play. Can I come watch a game first?

Spectators are always welcome at our games. Please see our game schedule and locations. If you have any questions, you can always reach out to our staff ahead of time or at the field. Please note that while we try to give everyone a chance to play, even late-comers, we cannot guarantee placement on a team after the registration deadline has passed. Please also note that our registration fees typically increase as the season draws closer, and all players registering after the first game must pay the full rate.

What are umpire fees?

For all regular season social league games, the umpire is paid directly in cash by each team playing in the game. Because this is a team expense, not an individual expense, umpire fees are not included in our player registration fees. Umpire fees are listed in our rules. Umpire fees for all playoff games and corporate league games are paid directly by the league.

What is the team deposit?

The deposit is the minimum amount of collected payments that are required to hold your team's spot in the league. This minimum threshold can be met through any method and combination of payments to the league. (Traditional one-time deposit payments are now optional.) The deposit lets us order shirts and equipment and reserve fields, which have to be done before the season starts. The remainder of the team balance can be paid anytime up through the captains/coaches meeting held just before the season starts.

I don't have a team. Can I play?

Of course! This is a social league and we love to meet new people. You can register as a "free agent" online and we will place you on a team around the time of the registration deadline when we know which teams need more players. If you have a small group of friends that want to play together, please email the commissioner responsible for that division and they will work to make it happen.

We have a group of less than 15 people. Can we be on the same team?

We will keep you all together unless you choose not to do that. It all depends on the exact situation, but generally speaking if you have 8 or more players, we will keep you as a team and add other individuals to complete your roster. If you have less than 8 players, we'll typically use your group to complete another team's roster.

I'm already on a team roster. How do I pay online?

Use the Team Player Registration option when registering. Select your team and use your email and birthdate to locate yourself on the roster so that you can then accept the waiver form and pay online. Alternatively, ask your team captain to email you a payment link using the Request Online Payment () button in the roster system. The link contained in the email will be specific to your player ID number and will allow you to make a payment to the league through PayPal. Note that you must accept the waiver before you will be able to make any payment.

The season got cancelled. What happens to my payment?

All teams and players who paid for a cancelled season will be automatically credited for a future season, valid for at least 1 year after the cancelled season (no action necessary).

I have funds left over from a past overpayment or season cancellation. How do I use them?

All team overpayments and team payments from cancelled seasons are added to a "wallet" associated to your user account. These funds can be applied in part or in full to any of your future team rosters using the Use Wallet () button.

All player payments from cancelled seasons are added to a "wallet" associated to each player ID number. These player funds can be applied to a future team's balance using the Use Wallet () buttons found in the Players section. Player wallet funds can be applied one or many at a time; use the checkboxes to apply from multiple players.

I'm late to the party. Can I still sign up?

While we cannot guarantee placement on a team after the registration deadline has passed, there are often teams who are still seeking another player or two for their roster. We do not prorate our fees for late-comers; all players registering after the season's first game has been played must pay the full rate.

Something came up. How do I get a refund?

All refund requests must include the original PayPal transaction receipt from the season payment and emailed to refunds@kickballhamptonroads.com. Refund requests for active seasons must be made before the first game date. Refund requests for cancelled seasons (e.g. Spring 2020) may be requested at any time. Each refund request is reviewed and a decision made within 14 days. (Generally, it's expected that a decision will be made sooner than 14 days.)

Note that in many cases, players swaps or transfers are a viable and simpler solution as compared to refunds.


How do I start a team?

Start your team roster at www.kickballrosters.com/hr and be sure to complete it by the registration deadline. We order team shirts based on the information in this system.

  • If you are a brand new team, please create a new login, password, and team in the roster system. You can then add players to your team roster, name your team, pick a color, and designate your assistant captain.
  • If you are a returning team, you may use your existing user login and either start a new team roster for the registering season or copy your team roster from a previous season and make any necessary changes. The Copy () button can be found on your user dashboard by clicking the arrow () on the right side of each team to expand its details.

Team and individual payment details are listed in the Payments section of each team roster.

My login doesn't work. How do I fix this?

Use the forgot username/password function on the roster system login page.

For those with logins created prior to spring 2020, note that user logins may now be associated to multiple teams. We have merged all user accounts with the same email address into one account. If you had multiple logins/usernames in the past, your accounts have been merged into the first login that you created. If you don't remember your login name, use the forgot username function from the login page and you should receive an email with the one username that's still active and has all of your past teams consolidated under it.

Where did my old teams go?

Once a season is completed, your team roster will move to the Past Teams section in your user dashboard. Note that all team rosters not modified after December 31, 2019 will display with season "Before 2020".

I accidentally created a new team. How do I delete it?

Use the Delete () button. This button can be found on your user dashboard by clicking the arrow () on the right side of each team to expand its details. Note that a team cannot be deleted if any payments have been applied to it. If you need to move players (with their payments) from one team to another, please contact the commissioner responsible for your division.

How do I add players to my team roster?

There are several different methods that you can use for adding players to your team roster:

  • Copy one or more players from a past team using the Copy () button found in the Players section of the team roster. (Helpful Hint: Use the checkboxes to copy multiple players.)
  • Enter their information yourself using the Add New Player () button at the bottom of your team roster.
  • Invite them using the Invite () email template found at the bottom your team roster. The player can then add themselves directly to your team roster.
  • The player uses the new player registration form on our website and selects your team. The player can then add themselves directly to your team roster.

I don't have 15 players on my roster. What do I do?

If you need additional players in order to reach the 15-player minimum, please email the commissioner responsible for your division as soon as possible. In most cases, there are "free agent" players available that we can assign to your team.

When are team rosters due?

Team rosters must be complete by the deadline listed for your division on our registration page. We order shirts shortly thereafter based on the information entered in our roster system. Once shirts have been ordered, you will not be able to modify your team roster without assistance from your division commissioner.

How do I complete my team waiver form?

Signatures can be obtained electronically using the Send Waiver () button in the roster system. This will email a link to selected players on the roster who have not yet electronically accepted the waiver. (That same link can be used for online payment after the waiver has been accepted.) Signatures can be obtained in person with old-fashioned pen and paper using the printable form found at the "printed waiver" link in the team roster Checklist.

How do I collect payment from my players?

You can collect cash or check payment for each player on your roster and pay your team balance to us at the mandatory captains/coaches meeting. Checks should be made out to KLOHR. If you have players that prefer to use a credit card, they can pay online. Online payments will appear in the Payments section of each team roster.

How can players already on my social team roster make an online payment?

Payments can be obtained online using the Request Online Payment () button in the roster system. This will email a link to selected players on the roster who have not yet paid. This link will provide a button for payment to the league through PayPal. Note that players must accept the waiver before they will be able to make any payment. Alternatively, ask players to use the Team Player Registration option when registering. They can select your team and use their email and birthdate to locate themselves on the roster before accepting the waiver and paying online.

How do I know what colors are available?

In the roster system, colors selected by other teams in your division will be disabled in the pick list. All other colors generally are available. In some cases, a particular color becomes unavailable at the time we order shirts and a replacement color must be selected. (Staff will contact you if such a case arises.)

Where can I view the shirt colors?

Standard Shirts:

Premium Shirts (additional fees apply):

Some shirt colors are occasionally out-of-stock at order time. League staff will contact you in the event your selected color is not available in all of your requested sizes.

How do I get my shirts?

Shirts will be distributed at the mandatory captains/coaches meeting held just before the season starts.

My roster is complete. What's next?

Here's your final checklist:

  • Ensure there are no players listed more than once on your team roster. Sometimes players may inadvertently add themselves multiple times.
  • Ensure your team has met the minimum player requirement.
  • Submit your roster using the Complete () button found in the Team section of your team roster. This will lock your team roster. New players then can no longer be added (by themselves or by you) without commissioner assistance.
  • Ensure all players have electronically accepted or personally signed the waiver form. Multiple copies of print waiver forms with individual signatures are acceptable, so long as each player has accepted or signed somewhere.
  • Collect any cash or check payments needed to pay off your team balance. Online payments remain open even after the team roster is submitted.
  • Bring any print versions of the waiver form and any remaining money owed to the mandatory captains/coaches meeting. At the meeting, we will distribute team shirts and will go over the schedule, rules, and other important stuff.

My team has specific dates or times when we will not have enough players. What do I do?

If your team will have difficulty with specific dates or times because of work schedules or other obligations, please send your special request before the registration deadline to the commissioner responsible for your division and we will do our best to accommodate you.

My roster is locked. How do I add more players?

If you want to add players after submitting your team roster and it is before the deadline, ask the commissioner responsible for your division to unlock your roster. If the deadline has passed, please contact the commissioner responsible for your division with the registration details of any additional players and the commissioner can assist with adding them to your team roster. Note that all players registering after the season's first game has been played must pay the full rate.

My roster is locked. How do I change or remove players?

If you want to make changes after submitting your team roster and it is before the deadline, ask the commissioner responsible for your division to unlock your roster. If the deadline has passed, all roster changes must first be approved by the commissioner responsible for your division. If approval is granted, you may be required to pay a player transfer fee for any changes and may only be entitled to a partial refund for any player removals.

Question not answered here? Please don't hesitate to contact us at (757) 550-0693 or info@kickballhamptonroads.com.