Awards Show

Time: Saturday, February 1
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Baxter's
500 Granby St
Norfolk, VA 23510
Cost: FREE

We will be hosting our sixth annual Awards Show on February 1st at Baxter's immediately before our Admirals game night. This will be a relatively simple and short show. All kickball, bowling, and wiffleball players and guests are invited. Come one, come all!

Please be safe - If you're planning to drink, please have a designated driver, taxi, or similar.

2024 Award Recipients

Wiffleball Team of the YearTalleywackers
Staff Member of the YearJohn Froze
Brooke Wilkinson
Captain/Coach of the YearMarlon Heggie (Fresh Prince of Ball-Air)
Kickball Team of the YearDon't Stop B-Leaguing
Sportswoman of the YearRoberta Heggie (Fresh Prince of Ball-Air)
Sportsman of the YearDenzel Stewart (Unsend)